Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an approach to psychotherapy that has proven successful at treating depression, anxiety disorders and physical ailments such as tinnitus and fibromyalgia. CBT tends to be short-term therapy sessions rather than lengthy analytic psychotherapy treatments such as psychoanalysis. Cognitive Behavioral Therapists will assist patients in recognizing unfavorable thoughts, emotions and behaviors […]

The Benefits of a Therapist
A therapist can be a valuable resource when dealing with emotional difficulties, and there are many benefits to seeking their assistance. Individual therapists generally avoid giving advice, but they can give you feedback and perspective. This can help you overcome feelings of isolation, which is important if you’re dealing with a chronic illness or disease. […]

Surfing Therapy – Mental Health Benefits
Mental health issues among young people are no longer a top priority for public health and social responsibility. The increasing number of suicides in schools, high school drop-outs and adults with severe mental health disorders is startling. Surf therapy is a novel intervention which might help address this new health burden worldwide. While increasing anecdotal […]